lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Para comer saludable, amargo es mejor...

Del Wall Street Journal tomo una interesante nota de un "food developer".
Se titula "For Healthy Eating, Bitter Is Better".

Tomaré algunos fragmentos de aquí y allá.

We also may be altering our brain chemistry by eating more and more sweeter and sweeter foods. New research shows that the excessive consumption of calorically dense foods changes the way that our brain responds to future foods. The effect is akin to a drug addict's need for more and more heroin to satisfy his craving.

Too much sweetness and not enough bitterness make food taste flabby. And that is what we've become: a nation of flabby palates. It isn't surprising that the rest of our physiques are flabby, too.

1. Eat More Bitter Foods. We're all born with an aversion to bitterness, but our levels of sensitivity vary greatly.

2. Try Something New. At a restaurant, order something you would never cook at home. 

3. Do a Hated Horizontal. Pick a food that you hate but know you should eat more often, and teach yourself a bit about it.

4. Eat More Ethnic Food. There's nothing more enjoyable than using the unfamiliar flavors of Vietnamese, 

5. Quiz Yourself. I keep a couple of spice jars on my counter with the labels obscured.

El punto DOS aplica particularmente para los mexicanos. Tenemos Neofobia.
Y los politicos y los industriales lo saben y lo explotan.

Y al que lo niegue, le recuerdo el dicho...  "Más vale malo conocido, que bueno por conocer"

 Así que a romper la adicción a lo dulce.

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